a lucky bamboo plant in your own home
How to take care of and cultivate a lucky bamboo plant in your own home
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fortunate bamboo plant The popularity of fortunate bamboo plants is undeniable because of their exquisite forms and beauty. They are considered to bring luck in addition to being low-maintenance.
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maintaining the lucky bamboo Due to their near indestructibility, lucky bamboos are the perfect plant for inexperienced gardeners or anyone with limited time.
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Here are some pointers for caring for and growing your fortunate bamboo plant.
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Bright, filtered sunlight, such as that found under a rainforest canopy, is what LightLucky bamboo prefers. Avoid overexposing it to sunlight since the leaves will burn.
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These plants should be planted in potting soil that is rich and well-drained. However, the soil shouldn't be sopping wet. Bamboos that are lucky enough to grow in a vase of water or on top of pebbles.
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Moisture Your lucky bamboo plant does OK with average humidity, so don't worry about your home's moisture levels rising or falling.
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Water Your lucky bamboo plant is particularly sensitive to chlorine and other pollutants present in tap water, so it is best to water it with bottled or distilled water.
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optimum temperature The ideal temperature range for lucky bamboo plants is between 18 and 32 degrees Celsius.
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