Air pollution Almost all of India has been gripped by air pollution, which has led to an increase in a number of respiratory illnesses.
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Damage to lung One of the most frequent adverse impacts of air pollution is lung damage, which makes respiratory problems even more likely in healthy individuals.
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Yoga asanas to consider Increasing the capacity of your lungs is crucial to ensure that they can fight off all the pollutants. These yoga poses will assist you in achieving that.
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Vajrasana Vajrasana gives the lungs plenty of room to expand, which encourages a healthy breathing rhythm. Additionally, it improves blood flow to the upper limbs.
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Matsyasana The matsyasana, also referred to as the fish position, opens the chest and provides all-day energy.
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Bhujangasana This pose, often known as the cobra stance, helps asthmatics by strengthening their lungs, calming the brain, and improving lung function.
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Hasta Uttanasana This yoga pose helps the body breathe better by stretching the abdomen, which expands the lungs.
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Ustrasana Ustrasana improves oxygen flow to the lungs while also assisting you in paying attention to your breathing.
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