Lipstick Plant The majority of lipstick plants have clusters of vivid red flowers and ovate, pointed, waxy leaves.
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IxoraThe vibrant flower clusters of Ixora slant from glossy, dark green leaves, creating a stunning sight during the winter months.
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india recs (20) The five-lobed flowers of the oxalis plant, often called the shamrock plant, are colored purple, white, pink, or yellow.
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Anthurium The anthurium plant has a unique leaf that mimics a flower and has a lovely, tropical appearance.
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GermaniumIf cared for properly, Germanium plants thrive inside and can produce lavender, pink, crimson, salmon, and white flowers.
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ColumneaMassive clusters of vivid orange and yellow flowers that like jumping goldfish are produced by the columnea plant, commonly called the goldfish plant.
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Christmas Cactus The plant blooms in the winter, around Christmas, as its name implies.
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BegoniaBegonias' exquisite foliage and blossoms make them a popular choice for indoor houseplants.
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